Who’s stories get to be told and highlighted within Market place affects the way that students interact with the space as well as the the view of how they view the institution.

Jasem Al Sanea
" I think RISD likes to do this thing where they like to wait until a class whose determined to talk about the goal [Market house]. My problem with that is when the RISDArc set of demands came out, one of the first main things that they wanted to tackle was the issues of market place and there is not plaque or anything. That's not even what they asked for, that's just the bare minimum. There use to be a website for it and now RISD is slowly taking them down and the incoming freshmen don't know anything about the set of demands. So I feel like a lot of things have changed after that but teachers still walk into that space to do their jobs and they also think that they're absolved from it but they need to know that when they are going into their offices. They constantly give us these about, "thinking about where you are" and "who are you representing" but if you wake up and go to this institution you need to also think about who built the buildings you're teaching in and who built your office."
"The students are the ones who are paying the tuition if the students are asking for market place to be turned into an affinity space or to a place for the the city or a place for the black students. But if you don't want to do it just say that. Brown does this thing where they have all the freshmen read this article about Brown's involvement in the slave trade and its required. I think its a bare minimum thing but I think that RISD should do something like this about all the houses we live in and places like Market place. "

Jeffery McCready
FAV '24
"Market House is sort of like a Modern day slave courters for the Animation students because were just in there 24/7 slaving away doing animation. The absence of evidence is the evidence of absence and the fact that there is an absence within the knowledge of the history of Market house shows a clear connection to the absence of the education of that history."
"It's not a very well kept studio and its very old and ghetto"

Betelhem "Naz" Abechu
FAV '24
Gregory Parks
Marin Griffith
PT '24