This multimedia series is a commentary on the bigotry that people of color have to endure throughout their lives. These photos and words are only the surface of how each person has had to confront racism and prejudice. I sat down with each participant and only asked one question "What stories do you have." From there, each person was able to list off numerous stories and experiences. I then highlighted words or phrases that they told as the punch lines of each story.
The fact that we were only able to look back and laugh at these stories shows how much people of color have to do in order to cope with the numerous racial incidents throughout our lives. The saddest part is that as our lives continue, the words will continue to pile up and we will have to carry them with us each and every day.
This piece is a commentary on voter suppression in America. This year I’m a first-time voter and it was extremely difficult for me to register to vote. When expressing my voting concerns to my mother she told me she was going through the same experience as I was. We talked about the way in which they were putting down our address wrong or misspelling little things on our voter registration as well as my difficulty to register without a license. It then made me think about the ways in which this affects all Americans and the discrepancies that I knew already
stood within the black community. Voter suppression is real and it disproportionately affects people that look like me.
This piece is a collection of words and drawings of current POC students and alumni from some of the top private schools in NYC that continue to be unheard. I am unable to go out and protest about an issue I truly take to heart. But this was my way of standing up. I posted this on social media to spread awareness and it's been seen by over 1,000 people.